Who is this course for?
The Introduction to Photography course is designed for amateurs wanting to master the use of DSLR and/or mirrorless cameras. If you’ve recently acquired a camera or if you’ve had a camera laying around but never learned how to use it, then this course is perfect for you.
Please note: Courses are held subject to a minimum number of attendees.

What can I expect?
The Photography Fundamentals workshop covers the basic fundamentals and progresses through composition, so that you can develop a holistic understanding of photography.
It’s our aim that you develop a confident approach to using your camera, when to shoot in Manual or when Aperture Priority is preferred. We’ll guide you through what the prosaic buttons mean, why white balance is important, and how to setup your camera and gear for the best chance of creating great, and successful images.
In the course we’ll be covering drive modes, and you’ll put these to good use, shooting in both burst and single shot modes.
Furthermore, you’ll develop an understanding of observing your environment, subjects and being able to bring these together to create great images.
What do I need to bring?
- Your camera - DSLR or mirrorless (cameras must be able to shoot in Manual and Aperture mode, and feature various drives modes. Please contact us to discuss if you are unsure. Compact or mobile cameras are not suitable for this course.)
- Clothing suitable for being outdoors
- Snacks, water
- Sunscreen
- Transport - to and from the event location
What is the duration of the workshop?
The Photography Fundamentals workshop runs for a total of 6 hours over one day.
The day commences at 9:00am and finishes at 3:00pm, with an hour off for lunch and to recharge.
Topics and Practice Exercises
Meet and greet
Get to know your mentor, and they’ll get to know you!
Introduction to DSLRs & Mirrorless Cameras
The course commences with an introduction to DSLR and mirrorless cameras. In this lesson you will develop an understanding of the basics of how DSLR’s and mirrorless cameras operate, and if available you will have access to both types of cameras. You will also be introduced to interchangeable lenses and we’ll discuss how lenses work.
It is through understanding the mechanics of cameras and lenses that you will work toward developing an understanding of exposure.
Getting exposed: The Exposure Triangle
The foundation of digital photography rests on the exposure triangle, and it is in this lesson you will be introduced to all three. This introduction will develop into an understanding of the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
Exercise: Your exercise at the end of this lesson will be to photograph subjects modifying aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and visually learning how these change the image.
Lenses: Focal Range and Focal Length
In this lesson you will learn the terms focal range and focal length and how these relate to lenses and in turn depth of field. You will also be introduced to focal length dependent composition – choosing compositions with the lens you have at hand.
Exercise: Your exercise for this lesson will be to observe how the focal range of a lens enhances and limits your creativity. You will also be quizzed on lens selection for differing types of photography (we’ll go easy on you!).
Focal Plane and Depth of Field
You’re understanding of the exposure triangle will progress into understanding the focal plane, and most importantly depth of field. Modifying aperture, adjusting focal length and your relative position to the subject you’ll see how the focal plane changes and how the depth of field increases and narrows.
Exercise: You’re exercise here will be two-fold. Firstly you’ll shoot a series of photos adjusting aperture to modify the depth of field. You’ll also experiment with recomposing your shots, a topic that will be discussed further on in more detail.
Camera Modes: Manual, Shutter and Aperture
The camera modes lesson plan is a direct step forward from understanding the exposure triangle. Taking what you’ve learned about aperture, shutter speed and ISO, you will learn to identify which of these your camera is capable of shooting, and how you differentiate when one mode might be selected over another.
White Balance
Light is a tricky thing for a camera that lacks the complexity of how humans perceive light and colour.
In this lesson you will develop an understanding of white balance, how this is determined by your camera, and when manual selection is preferred. We will also introduce you to the Kelvin scale of colour temperature.
Exercise: In this exercise you will experiment with your cameras white balance,modifying the white balance options available and visually observing how this affects your image.
Shooting JPEG vs RAW
Its at this point that we may need to have a serious discussion. Shooting JPEG vs RAW may not mean much to an amateur photographer but it has been a topic that has caused considerable debate on the internet.
In this lesson you will learn the difference between JPEG and RAW images and what the benefits and drawbacks of each are. We’ll discuss when you may choose one over the other, and what the pros and cons of your selection may be.
Nothing will ruin an image faster that it being out of focus, when it was meant to be in focus. A soft image doesn’t give the eye anything to lock onto and seems distracting overall.
In this lesson you will learn about auto and manual focus, as well as focus points that your camera is capable of utilising. You will also develop an understanding of recomposing a shot.
Exercise: In this exercise in focus points you will explore your cameras focus point options, and with each explore how they affect your ability to focus on a subject. You will also get hands on at re-composition.
Drive Modes
Progressing from focussing we move into Drive Modes, with the primary focus (pun very much intended) being on single shot and burst mode.
Exercise: You will explore the use of burst mode and discuss the pros and cons of this shutter mode.
In the final lesson of the course you will be introduced to the basic principles of composition listed below. Each one of these will be discussed and demonstrated. While they are not rules to strictly adhere to they should serve as guides to follow at the outset as you increase your understanding of composition over time.
Rule of Thirds
Horizon Lines
Leading Lines
Centre Focusing
In the Field Practice Shoot
Our course will conclude by putting into practice all of the lessons you have learned. With your mentor you will shoot a series of photos exploring elements such as depth of field, focal length, and composition and developing a practical understanding of how these contribute to successful photography.
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What is included in the course?
The cost for the Introduction to Photography course includes the following:
6-hours of personal guidance with a professional photography mentor who will guide you through each of the topics in the introductory course
Pratice Shoots
Take what you’ve learned and put it into practice with In-the-Field practice shoots
The Photography Fundamentals workshop is limited to a maximum of 4 attendees.
In this way your mentor is able to guide you personally, and the group is able to discuss the fundamental elements of photography together.
The Photography Fundamentals workshop is held over one day, covering both theory and practical exercises.
Please note: Courses are held subject to a minimum number of attendees.